Master Payment takes your
business to the next level

Turn your financial management around and keep better records in your digital account.

The solution for your business

Get your digital account for free plus your sales terminals with no monthly or annual fees.

Consult account statements free of charge

Transfer to traditional banks

Instant, no-cost transfers between Master Payment accounts

Pay for your services and receive your proof of payment upon completion.

Make Pix transfers on the spot

Generate tickets or payment links

Simulates parceled payments

Generate your tickets or links to request payments to your customers

Generate collection tickets: These tickets are sent to request payments and in case they are not collected they can be cancelled without any problem.

Generates payment tickets or payment links: Unlike collection tickets, this is done with a due date and if not paid on time it generates interest.

Simulates the value to be charged to your customer

In case you have a product for sale and you need to charge an additional amount to receive its net value, you can simulate the cost of the product so you don't have complications.

Complement your digital account with our sales terminals

Use our sales terminals to make credit and debit payments, QR payments, phone recharges and much more.

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It's easy, join Master Payment and open your account 100% free, with no monthly or annual fees.

Open account


We guarantee the most modern and updated practices for the reception of your sales, always offering an innovative service to our customers.


Transparency in relationships and transactions with open and truthful communication with all our customers.


Easy and intuitive language so as not to complicate the relationship between customers and their money.


We combine technology with a personalized relationship so that each client is exclusive and unique.


The money is managed responsibly and administered in a clear and honest manner by highly trained professionals.

Purchase your sales terminal